Immortal Diaries: Debates. Tips & Tricks
Oooh.. not again! That sucks! You give up and press “Quick Debate” button. Familiar? 😀 Yeah.. sooner or later we all end up there. I say “We CAN do better!” Follow these simple rules and be proud of yourself 🙂
Rule #1: do all debates manually. Take all risks in your hands and you will achieve way better results!
Rule #2: always pick your opponent at lowest possible followers’ cap level in order: first Iron -> then Bronze -> Silver -> Gold -> Diamond -> Master..
Rule #3: Use “Likes” to restore your Follower. He/She gets tired after each opponent. Give that boost. It will act as cup of coffee for you in the morning or energy drink when you are worn out.
Rule #4: at equal cap level (all Bronze) avoid VIP followers as they originally are the strongest ones. If you are a beginner, avoid Talented (12-14 force ability stars) and Rare Followers (7-9 force ability stars) as well. They may be too powerful for you.
Rule #5: avoid Followers with originally boosted Force (Mary, Morgan, Lillian, Lynn, Gary..).
Rule #6: for some reason people like to boost certain weak Followers more than others: Thomas, Elise, Damon, Elena. Avoid them if you can.
Gambling is natural part of Debate. Let’s play a game! Pick your opponent:
I can’t promise you will win all the debates but if you follow these rules, you definitely will perform much much better. Enjoy your battles!
Danielle -11 May, 2022-

Good to know:
“Immortal Diaries. Beginners Guide: Main Followers“
“Immortal Diaries: Rare and Talented Followers. Which one is the best?”
“Immortal Diaries. VIP Followers. Affordable?”
Read more: I wish I knew before starting Immortal Diaries, Tips and Tricks
When challenging, rematching another player, is there a way to use the same player more than once per day?
[email protected]
If you have that person more than once on your enemy list, you can chose her/him/them as many times as they appear on your list. You also can enter their ID code to challenge them.