Immortal Diaries: EASY Dress up Guide
I tell you a secret: you don’t have to spend fortune in Rose Mall to own most of the clothes in game to be placed higher in Fashion Show or Project Faceoff! Do you remember those annoying Dates you can’t pass for weeks? Now everything is possible! How?! When you dressing up, do it smart and spend a bit more time in your Wardrobe than you usually do.
If you follow these simple rules, your dressing up score will go up just like mine did:
Basic rules
Step 1: Dress up. Use Items with 2 (sometimes 3) Tags that are given to you. In my case it’s Luxury-Unisex.
Step 2: After your first dress up, always check what are those 4 extra Tags. They play more important role than you thought 😉 In my case they are: Trendy, Sexy, Cute, Summer.

Step 3: Go to your Wardrobe to check VALUE of Items you own (“Dress up” –> “Wardrobe”). Never skip this Step! Read more in detail below.
Step 4: Dress up to get higher score. Don’t forget, you have only 3 chances in fashion Show to do that! Practice and master your skills in Project Faceoff.
Simple guidance in Wardrobe
Everyone knows that the best items have 5* AND hold both main Tags (like Luxury, Trendy, Unisex, Cute..). The ideal Item will have all that + special Tag (like Royal, Exotic, Blue, Purple, Green..) in harder contests.
But what to do if you don’t have that ideal item? No worries, most of us don’t have 😉 There are a few advices that you can easily help you to reach higher score without being the math wizard:
- Give priority to the Item with special Tag WHEN this Tag is required. But it’s not Trendy, nor preferred Elegant?! Not a problem because Item with required special Tag (royal, exotic, pink, green..) will give you way better score than Item without it even if it will hold both other Tags! Let’s say you need Yellow, Trendy, Elegant and your choices are:
- Chose 5* Item with required Tag rated S. It will perform the best. Less points you collect from 5* A -> B -> C, then D (D gives you least points)
C performs poor comparing with B. That’s why in the upper example your 3rd choice would be hair on your far left (SB), leaving the ones on your far right #4 (SC).
- However, if you have 5* B or A, check 4* Items. 4* S Item will be most likely better than 5* A or B. Let’s say you need Trendy and your choices are:
- Don’t be hooked by this common mistake! 3* or 2* Item that has both required Tags. You happily pick it. Stop. In most cases 5* Item with 1 required Tag rated S will give you more points. Let’s say you need Casual-Cute:
Advanced level Dress up
It often happens that you have 2 or more very similar items and can’t decide which one would be the best. How to guess which item will give you better score without using formula? That’s when those mysterious 4 extra tags come in hand. If you use them, you will brake upper rules and will elevate your dress up score even higher. How?
Let’s say your main Tags are Luxury-Unisex and from all your dresses in your wardrobe these 4 are your best choices:
All of them have 5* rating. All of them have 1 matching tag (Luxury). So.. how to know which one is the best and why?
The next thing you are looking for is S. That makes blue royal dress to drop off the competition (#4) as it has only A that gives us less points comparing with S.
What Tags do we have rated B in my example? Elegant -Summer – Summer. My 4 extra Tags are: Trendy, Sexy, Cute and Summer. If one of them is rated B, you will get a load of points. That means, Summer rated B will give me more points than Elegant B. Green dress gets out of competition (#3) as it has elegant in B.
Two dresses compete now: black VS purple. Let’s count how many extra (Trendy, Sexy, Cute and Summer) and main Tags (Luxury, Unisex) are in their D level. Black dress has Cute (1 Tag rated D). Purple dress has Sexy, Cute, Unisex (3 Tags rated D). Each extra and main Tag in D generates points for your outfit (way less than S, A, B or C but at least you get any points and that’s better than 0). That’s said, our winner is purple dress.
Good to know: this method isn’t ideal as we don’t use formula to count the exact score but it’s fast and easy to use. Just keep in mind that slip up like this one (rarely but still) hides around the corner:
In this case 5*S performs poorly in comparison with 5*A+B+DDD that has 5 out of 6 matching Tags in right positions.
May forces keep your dress up spirit high 😀
Danielle -22 Aug 2022-
Read more:
I wish I knew before starting Immortal Diaries. Look for game Guides, Tips and Strategies at the end of the article
You rock thank you!
[email protected]
Thank you! I’m happy that this guide is helpful
Hi. Thank you! This helps a ton! Quick question though. Does this mean that the second bracelet choice is actually a superior choice in this this case?
Are you saying, essentially, S is 5 points, A is 4, B 3, and so on?
[email protected]
It’s more like: S*2000+ A*500+ B*200+ D*25. This is not the real formula devs use, but what I’m saying is that each letter has its own coefficient. So following my example, if you have item with both strongest recommended tags SB, they give you 2200 dress up points. AB would give you 700. If you have BD=225. D only 25.
One more thing, you still have so many dresses! How did you get them? I just got my very first good exotic skirt from Rose Mall after playing almost 3 months. Still no dresses. I even did a pick 10 a few weeks back and got no “guaranteed rare or super rare” items :\ 8 of them were repeats. is there a trick to it you can share? (I have all casual cute unisex trendy sexy preppy- should I start wearing things with different descriptions when I draw?)
[email protected]
I don’t believe that our dress up choice would impact rose mall draw. I play this game way longer than you and clothes I have I gathered through this whole time. The best places to get dresses/clothes are:
1.Bounty plan (yes, it’s spending real money but you get quite a lot of rewards too, including set or two);
2.Face Off (you collect butterflies by winning battles and exchange them into clothes. There is option to collect clothes from previous face off seasons too! You can go on your own pace and get them slower than big spenders but free)
3.Fashion show Boutique (dress up and enter as many fashion show battles as you can manage and collect Trophies. Even if you be the last one, you will get 500 Trophies! and it’s completely free)
4.Some events are more affordable than others. I participate in them. A lot of events let you claim pieces of the whole outfit so you can choose which item or two you get from the set.
I hope this will be helpful to you. Meet you in the game, beauty!