Immortal Diaries. EVENT Wasteland Anthem
Happy Thanksgiving with All or nothing! I would say it’s very fitting to describe this event for a couple of reasons. First, it fits futuristic theme of its story. Second, that’s exactly how you get this Set. If you aren’t one of many maximalists in this game community, you will probably find this type of event annoying as there is no option to buy separate Items from the new Set.
I have to admit, I had double feelings about this event and decided to hold on my review (thats why it comes out later) but with the second event starting during this one I decided to speak up.
Devs experiment
This event comes as one more experiment in the game for 3 reasons:
- futuristic style looks refreshing and here I give devs the credit. Its execution is another story and can be add to “to do” list *roles eyes. I believe that’s the reason why gamers community buzzes “nah” when our talk turns about it.
- event lasts for 9 days. We already had one of those and I was so glad to have it again! Until new Event boomed in a middle of it.. Upppsss… O-O Devs, thank you, but no. Please give us event after event. We already spend and don’t have to be overwhelmed.
- most surprising was the price. It’s 5 star Set for ~5,5k diamonds, ~50% less than the usual price, double loud yayyy!
- This one isn’t experimental but I want to leave note here 😀 They kept 5 star set, yayyy! Probably remembered our angry voting and refusing to buy event Set of 4 stars. Glad devs are listening! <3
What do we get for half price?
It’s healthy to be firstly happy and later on to become a bit suspicious and curious. 5 star new Sets were always pricy so what’s the hook this time?
At first look everything looks normal: 5 star Set, Scenery and extra items that aren’t included in the Set so you can get them even if you don’t have enough resources (or simply don’t want) to buy the whole Set.
Is it worth?
Set has 5 Items with those special Tags that suppose to help us in Dates. I find 3 of them more valuable than others.
Gum helps with Caleb date 7-6. Outfit – with Caleb date 10-6. Huge handbag ups your dress up score in contests because it has that rare tag Brown and SB.
Previously we had event Sets with 5 and 6 Items that hold special Tags (Old times with almost all Set items having it are long gone and most of us even weren’t in game at that time). For this one choice was made to keep lesser.
A lot of Items have AB, especially main Items. That’s not so unusual as Bounty Sets had similar value.
I would say that our gamers community had it underrated. This one is worth the price.
How to get it?
As always, a lot of patience and a bit of work every event’s day if you try to save your money/diamonds. There are no tasks so you don’t need a lot of time. Each day we buy in event’s Store:
- Rusty Springs – until you reach limit every day (25 x 20 x 9 days = 4.500 energy cubes; for 1.800.000 Coins)
- Broken Gear – until you reach Limit every day (35 x 20 x 9 days = 6.300 energy cubes; for 4.500 diamonds total during event)
- collect FREE items daily, no top ups ( (25+35+45)x9days = 945 energy cubes; free). They make 7.5% of required cubes.
The rest 755 energy cubes you will be able to get by buying 17 Tarnished Key (850 diamonds).
Your total spendings: 5350 diamonds, 1.8 M Coins and free Items you collect daily.
What extra Items to get?
If you are one of many gamers that said NO to this set but have a lot of Coins and collected free stuff, you have 5445 energy cubes in total. You might get something nice and valuable in “Themed Parts”. Actually you will get everything, yes, I mean all the dress-up Items and scenery 😀 Let’s check it out if they are better than Set.
Dates where they are helpful:

Most valuable Item here is screwdriver.
I say this trade is fair.
Overall it’s most gamer friendly and low budget oriented event. I would say honest thank you if not a bomb-dropped-event in a middle of this one.
PS to those who consider which one event will make them more powerful on their Vampire Queen path: no doubts, it’s Asterismal Senses.
GL and see you soon as new double-Bounty (yes, again!) is already on the way!
Danielle -27 Nov, 2022-
Read more: I wish I knew before starting, contest strategies, tips and tricks, how to spend less in Events
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